Recently, our group acknowledged delivering over 100 HRSGs to several significant power contractors. There have been cases where Modern Group supplies to HRSG specialty companies and other times directly to the more prominent gas turbine manufacturers. However, from the perspective of the workshop, it all goes together the same way. As a steel fabricator, HRSG fabrication presents challenges that are beyond that of typical steel structures.

There is abundant detailing for structures, casing, ducts, lining, and secondary steel. There is a mixture of various grades of carbon steel and stainless steel. The HRSG panels consume vast amounts of valuable space on the shop floor, which is unappreciated without photographs. Additionally, fabrication is slow-moving due to insulation work, liner installation, and the production and shop-erection of stacks.

However, combined-cycle gas turbine power plants remain vital due to their high efficiency. Modern Group has delivered over 80,000mt of HRSG non-pressure parts to 30 countries, building a reputation as a preferred supplier in this category.